Sunday, May 26, 2024

Small things we forget

Yesterday I saw the final two episodes of Young Sheldon.

As a matter of fact, those of you who would have seen Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon, know everything about Sheldon Cooper. How he is an excellent scientist, has an amazing brain, how he won Nobel prize, but on the other side how he sadly lacks emotion and the small things that make us human.

All of us know that Sheldon would have the biggest ego in this world and he is a freak when it comes to being a human :) 

Writing the last part made me think, what are the small things that make us human?

Is the great achievements we have in our life is what that determines as human. 

For some, it may define us as a human.

At times, we confused our achievements with the ego. The truth is at times, we don't even realise that the ego is lying to us when we forget the big picture and get into small unnecessary detailing on what, how and why of the story of life. Also the issue here is that our ego guides the brain to tell the story from it's own perspective, thinking about the Villain-victim mentality and sharing with others.

Please check this blogpost to get into insights- 

One more thing which I forgot to mention in this blog post is that due to the victim mind set, we need a constant need to validate our thought process with others. Now mode of validations could be sharing the thought with a friend / partner.  The problem again would be that the story being shared would be portraying the protagonist as a victim and sadly the partner who is listening in such a case without any fault of thier will add some ideas based on their understanding of this half cooked story will do either of the following -

1. support the thought process and share this should not have been done, blah-blah-blah, this is not right blah-blah-blah, this should not be allowed, blah-blah-blah :) 

2. a very few have courage to question the thought process itself and help making the informed judgements and be truthful. 

But the truth is very few take #2 approach and their are various reasons for this. I believe this deserves another blog post on this topic separately.

Again coming back to topic of what making us human. 

Is it the family and friends surrounding us making us human? Their good memory and making a story of this which could not be forgotten (erasing some mixed feelings and be a better and matured person.)

Is it the compassion and how we could bring happiness in life of others.

There can be many more perspectives to it. 

In summary, there is no one perfect aspect defining us as a human.

Coming back to main topic on Young Sheldon, in the last two episodes we saw the departure of George Cooper Sr. It touched each of the friends and family in different ways. One of the interesting aspect was how Sheldon thought about changing the last time he met his father. He never cared to put any attention to anything else apart from his own ego and thought process. But when his father was gone, he realised all the small things he forgot and how he could have changed those. 

But sadly life hardly gives us a second chance and once something is lost, it's lost.

One more interesting storyline was how he got baptised against all his preconceived norms about science, religion and life, just to give courage to his mother, Mary Cooper :)  

The truth is life is imperfect and so are people around us. 

No one is a perfect human being with everyone having few good elements and few bad. What makes us human is the imperfectness and still doing the good things.

So the need of the hour is simply to cherish those small events, make some good memories for others and move on if something is imperfect. 

We forget the small things and that also makes us an imperfect human being. 

Next time you forget a small thing that might matter for someone else, just ensure that we could make an attempt to course correct this :) 

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